
Showing posts from December, 2023

Week #61

Senior Christmas dinner Remains of our white elephant gifts  When we were not out with Shawna, Slava and family this week, I was in the office getting fiscal year 2023 closed and making preparations for 2024. There will be a yearly audit sometime around the first of February so there will be that to get ready for. Happy New Year! He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I  come  quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.   Rev. 22:20 Tour of the office Some pictures of this week's adventures. Kouznetsov's and giving machine Travis and family + boyfriends at  Giving Machines Mom's puzzle present from the  Draper's. Pretty! Trex and friends at the Giving  Machine Legoland - Chiefs' stadium

Week #60

Alisa and kids. One thing they bought was a goat. I'm going to take a Christmas break and do mostly pictures today. Besides, mom has already told you most of the news.  We enjoyed our sacrament meeting today. Short and sweet. The last two weeks we have been asked to pick up a former branch member who now lives about 25 miles south of us and then we have to go another 15 miles north to get to the branch. He hopes to move back into the branch again soon. And he is such a polite man - all "yes sir" and "no ma'am." We thought he might be in his 70's but when finding out about his family he is in his mid 50's. We could be his parents! DevinKim and family  minus Jace. Chickens, diapers, food... We went to Colleen's cousin Norma's annual Christmas dinner last night and the senior missionaries are having a potluck Christmas dinner tomorrow afternoon. I think that will be it for Christmas dinners this year. Thank heavens.  Tuesday, Shawna and Slava an

Week #59

Welcome home, Brelynn! I had a pretty busy week doing odds and ends. I am able to use some of my time helping with other things in the office. We picked up 5 more Volkswagens and Elder Healy got those out to missionaries. I was also able to help Colleen with the Christmas packages. Elder Healy is somewhat disappointed in how lackadaisical some of the missionaries are in taking care of basically a brand new car. Some of the cars being sold have just over 20,000 miles on them. I don't think they realize how fortunate they are to drive a new car. I've only had one new car my whole life and that was my first car and probably not the best investment. I got the rent for January submitted on Wednesday. I am still nervous each time before hitting the enter key. I only have four more times of submitting rent payments. It seems that each time a lease rental is renewed, the rent goes up. Only a part of the packages Granddaughter Brelynn got home from her mission this week. We are proud of

Week #58

It was just a little spot! It was an interesting week as we were all kind of on edge worrying about Sister Kearns' medical problem that mom told you about. If Sister Welburn is able to come in and take over her position for a while then it won't be too big a problem. If not, then mom will have to assume most of the work and she hasn't been trained for that. And I would have to take over the phones which I know nothing about. If everything goes as scheduled Sister Kearns wouldn't return to the office until somewhere around the first of March, depending on when she actually has the surgery. We're thinking that should happen before Christmas.  I went to the dermatologist on Tuesday and had spots frozen off my arms and face. There were over a dozen places on my face and it is a bigger mess than usual. A biopsy was taken on one by my left ear and it was found to be cancerous so I will have to go back and get it taken off. That will happen sometime in January or February.

Week #57

Picture from this summer It was pretty much a rainy and cold week. I did get a walk in on a couple of days - mom found excuses not to go. I don't mind the cold too much but when it combines with wind that is too much even for me. One day I took an umbrella but happened to go between showers. Dining room The Bingham-Wagner Museum is a couple of blocks from the office. Mom and I visited the grounds this past summer. The senior missionaries scheduled an outing to visit there during the Christmas holidays as the place is decorated with over 50 Christmas trees. The group is going on a Friday afternoon and as the office will be opened, mom and I decided to go this Friday and let the other office workers go on the scheduled Friday. The place is amazing with over 90% of the furnishings being original. There was too much to see in the hour tour. It was built somewhere around 1870 and added on to around 1900. The place is jammed with all kids of knick-knacks - I'd hate to dust the place.