
Showing posts from January, 2024

Week #65

dreary days  It was a cold to cool, foggy, wet week. It started being below zero type cold and tomorrow it is supposed to hit 56 degrees. But this week was mostly in the 30's and low 40's with fog/rain each day. The fog wasn't so bad that driving was impaired, at least in town areas. I'm never really sad to see January in the rear mirror. If the weather holds as predicted, I really need to get the car washed. I took it in for an oil change Friday and ended up having to have a new tire on the rear. It had some really bad wear on the inside edge.  Potholes have always been a problem here but this last week of freezing and cooling has made things worse. I read that a dozen or so cars blew out tires in a large pothole on one of the major freeways that we travel quite often. Even some of the city streets are really bad. As I was waiting for my oil change I watched a city crew fixing a long pothole just in front of Firestone. Just when I think I'm getting my calling down

Week #64

  Adolphine and son Yomani + Elders Robinson  and Karras It was cold enough that I ended up taking only two pictures this week and I took those so I'd have something to share on my blog. Mom and I were asked to speak at a baptism Saturday at noon. It had been canceled from the week before. It was again a cold day but not as cold and wintery as last Saturday. Not too many were in attendance but there was a good spirit. We found out afterward that Adolphine, the mom, doesn't speak much English. She speaks Swahili so the Elders should have tried to get a translator there for her as I'm not sure she got much out of our talks. Can you believe Yomani, the son, is thirteen years old?! I finished paying rent this past week. I also worked some on the upcoming audit and last year's mission history. Neither one is my favorite activity.  Wednesday I helped Elder Healy and some other senior missionaries with car inspections during zone conference. It was somewhere in the teens so no

Week #63

Monday morning  One of these days I will write my letter first and then mom will have to figure out what to say after I've already written. We have been getting weather here. Monday we ended up with 5 or 6 inches on the car with heavy wet snow. It took awhile to get it all off and ready to get to the office. Wednesday, it was getting Sister Hunsaker to the airport at 4:30 in the morning. She was heading back to Idaho to attend her older brother's funeral. The worst part of getting her to the airport was that I had to drive in the dark. I was glad to get back to our apartment and we didn't hurry to get to the office that morning. Thursday, we left the office about 1:30 to pick her up. The forecast was for snow but it wasn't too bad. The roads were only a problem around the airport itself. I keep thinking that we are done with trips to the airport but something seems to always come up. It takes about 30 for us to get there. I was glad that the baptism was called off. Thre

Week #62

Tade and Savannah Nothing too exciting this week except a visit with Tade and Savannah. Mom and I both had colds so we kind of dragged all week. Yesterday I felt pretty good but today, not so good. I'm past the sore throat stage and into the coughing and achy stage. Friday, I had the hiccups all day and they quit just before bed time. I then woke up at midnight hiccuping again. I've never done that before. I got up and took a spoonful of sugar and they quit. That used to be my remedy when I was young and it still works. With the miracle of GPS we were able to meet up with Tade and Savannah (Mesha/Aaron's son and his wife). We got to the restaurant about five minutes or so before them. We had a nice lunch with them and wish them luck on their move to Virginia and their new adventure. Hope they don't hit too much bad weather. We forgot to take a picture so a selfie of them will have to do. Kouznetsov's at the mansion Speaking of bad weather, we are under an alert for