
Showing posts from February, 2024

Week #69

 I liked the format for this blog that I used last week so I will keep doing it. Just a reminder that this is actually my "journal" and not just for communicating with family and friends. And that tells you how good a journal keeper I am. Mom has done a daily journal entry for years so when I'm asked where my journal is I can point to her...can't I?  😟 Audit form So nice to have audit done! Tuesday was the day for the annual mission audit. Bro. Ransom from the stake conducted the audit again this year. He's a nice guy and there really wasn't much to worry about. We again passed with flying colors.  Totaled There was another bad auto crash again this week. It was entirely preventable. The Elders were going 70 mph on a dirt road, hit a bump, went airborne, and came down on the nose of the car, then flipped and came down on the tires. It was basically a brand new car and it was totaled. Needless to say, those Elders won't be driving again on their mission. T

Week #68

Mom stole most of my thunder so it will be mostly pictures today. (Another way of saying I'm being lazy) Osborn was baptized today. He lives directly across from the chapel and has been attending once in a while for the last two years or so. He told the branch president when he first came that he wanted to attend but "don't bother me with the missionaries."  He can barely walk so it took two to baptize him and they did a great job. Darren was also baptized today. I don't know much of his story but from what I understand he was in a foster home of a member family from birth to three years old and then taken by another family (foster?). A few years ago he reconnected with his first foster family and came back to live with them. He then asked if they would adopt him which they did. The whole family was thrilled.  A few weeks ago he told them he was getting baptized and quite a few family members showed up today. His mom gave a touching testimony at the meeting. For s

Week #67

All better The BIG game day for the Chiefs! Last week as I was finishing up writing I heard the fireworks start up so knew the Chiefs had won. We'll see if it gets noisy latter on this evening. We passed a stand on the way home from Church that was selling "Super Bowl Champs" shirts already. That can either be confidence are a lot of wasted money. Tuesday I had the stitches taken off my face. The nurse said there were 14 external stitches plus who knows how many on the inside which will dissolve in time. I asked her how big a chunk the doctor had taken out and she said about a nickel size. The long cut had to be made as they couldn't sew up a circle. I guess that makes sense. But still, it was long. I'm pretty much back to my handsome self. And no, it was not cosmetic surgery as my "good friend" suggested. The doctor said that none such was needed and all the nurses agreed. 😁 pillow boxes Sister Hunsaker ordered 40 pillows from Walmart for new missionar

Week #66

before surgery after surgery I had Mohs surgery on Tuesday and it went well. I had a small red dot on the left side on my face that bled every once in a while so decided to visit the dermatologist in Dec. She did a biopsy and it came back positive so scheduled me for the Mohs treatment. It was such a small dot and I could barely see it after the biopsy. I'm certainly glad it wasn't any bigger or the surgeon would have taken half my face. As it is, I ended up with about a five inch stitch from the top of my ear to down below my sideburn. I never really met the surgeon. He came in masked, said hi and deadened things up. In about two minutes he was done and left me to the nurses. I have no idea what he looks like.  I was told the wait for results would be four hours so I was prepared for the long haul. To my surprise, in about an hour I has told they had gotten it all and was taken back in for stitching.  Again, the surgeon came in for about five minutes of stitching and then was