Week #73

Keegan (L) and Eric
The big news this week was Keegan opening his mission call. We were able to download Teams and watch via the internet. Keegan and his friend Eric decided to announce their calls at the same time, so they had a gathering at Eric's home to read their calls. Keegan will be going to the Czech/Slovak Mission and enters the MTC on August 16. He will learn to speak Slovak which, I think, is somewhat akin to Russian and Czech. We are proud of him and know he will make a great missionary. Eric was called to Argentina.

Mom mentioned our release date is coming on quickly. I have started training Elder Healy on the finances. He will have a big job for about five weeks while waiting for our replacements, the Parkers, to arrive. Elder Healy will get some help as a couple of other senior missionaries have been asked to come into the office three days at the start of each month to help out. That is the busy time for vehicles. Elder Healy plans on taking over finances permanently as Elder Parker says he would enjoy vehicles more. Elder Healy tried to talk him out of it but Elder Parker insisted. 😕 If nothing else, I have my evenings and weekends pretty much to myself while Elder Healy is on call 24/7.

Mom and Sisters Creer
and Welbern
We had Sister Welbern and Sister Creer over for dinner Monday night. Sister Welbern's last day in the office was Thursday and she and a friend leave on an extended travel trip tomorrow. They will travel by car to the east coast and then down south and then west until they come back to Missouri. Their travel is planned around visiting as many temples as they can. I think they are taking something like six weeks to finish.

20 new cars plus a new truck
Elder Healy had 20 new cars arrive this week and expects 60 more within the next few months. That's why he needs to have  extra help. He doesn't yet have license plates for the new cars and is anxious about that as he is running out of space to park the new cars. When a new car arrives, he has to get the old (one year old!) car into the office and transfer the tiwi from the old to the new and then get the old car prepared for the auction. Plus, he has to keep it all straight in the computer system for cars. The 20 new cars this week were received in two trips to the dealer. Missionaries are loaded up in the travel van (11 passengers) and the mission truck and each takes a car back to the storage lot. I went on the first trip. The Nissan dealer where we picked these up is about 25 minutes away.

We are looking forward to Easter Sunday next week and then conference the following week. It will be a nice break from the routine.

And I know that the Lord God will consecrate my prayers for the gain of my people. And the words which I have written in weakness will be made strong unto them; for it apersuadeth them to do good; it maketh known unto them of their fathers; and it speaketh of Jesus, and persuadeth them to believe in him, and to endure to the end, which is life eternal.  2 Nephi 33:4


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