
Week #77

  He's learning fast! This has pretty much been my week. I would sit next to Elder Healy and watch while he did the finances. We were interrupted once in a while by vehicle problems but Elder Healy was determined to put them on the back burner so he could learn as much as he could about his new position. He'll have some challenging days but will do fine. His replacement as vehicle coordinator does not arrive until the first week in June so it will be a busy, and perhaps trying, period for Elder Healy. Even if he makes mistakes, it is never something that can't be fixed. Cafe  Verona  Travis and Jenny had given us gift certificates to a couple of restaurants in Independence that we needed to use before we departed. This week was a good time to use them as there is not much left food-wise in our apartment. Nick and Norma King had called and set up Tuesday lunch to take us out, but since we had the certificate for Cafe Verona, we ended up taking them out. We had been there a c

Week #76

We've had a busy, nice Sabbath but it is late and time to get ready for bed. E./S. Healy, Mom, S. Hunsaker S. Dennison Monday we were able to view the eclipse. Mom said it was 80% but it was more like 90%. The temperature actually cooled down a couple of degrees. Like mom said, it was nice to view but I wouldn't travel too far just to see it.  Z.C. lunch with S. Crosby The Hegvik's Wednesday was Zone Conference. Mom and I were asked to bare our testimonies which was nice. Sister Crosby and Bro. and Sister Hegvik helped serve us lunch. It was good to see them all again. S. Healy took this picture Can't see them all but there are 34 Elder Healy is up to his neck in cars. Before he took ten old ones to the auction, there were 34 cars on the lot. He ran out of room and couldn't get to the trailer. He had 10 Elders drive cars to the auction on Friday morning. It was not a good experience at the auction as they weren't very helpful. Men's table Tonight, the office

Week #75

Just a few words and a couple of pictures. Elder Healy has been so busy with new vehicles that we haven't had much time to spend with him learning Lots of money on the lot. finances. We plan to hit it hard this week. He's gotten lots of new vehicles in but not many licenses plates so they are piling up on the lot. He has 34 of them down there at this time. Ten are ready to sale but he doesn't know when they will be picked up. The rest are new vehicles but no license plates and he won't send them out until he gets the plates. There is not much room for more cars, so he is going to tell the dealers they'll have to keep them until he gets room to store them. Hopefully, plates will start showing up soon. Sis. Dennison and Sisters This evening we had dinner at the Dennison's. They been here about three months. A couple of Sister missionaries ended up having dinner with us. It was a fun time as they wanted to hear about our other missions. Mom and I decided we have lo

Week #74

I've been fighting a head cold all week. So far, I haven't taken any days off or missed any appointments but I sure haven't felt "with it." Yesterday, we got home from the temple about 1:30. We had a dinner appointment at 3:00 and I laid back in my chair for a few minutes. Bad mistake. Colleen started shaking my leg at 2:45 and I had no idea what was going on. I was totally out of it. I've done that same thing two or three times this week and it is not a good feeling. I think I'm about on top of things today although I'm still feeling drugged and weak. transfers Thursday morning was transfers and, as I have not witnessed one, I made a point of going down to the stake center to watch. It was a big let down. I thought there would be some kind of drama to the pairing up of companionships but, no, no drama. When all the missionaries had gathered in the parking lot, the assistants opened up an app for viewing and then the missionaries wandered around to fin

Week #73

Keegan (L) and Eric The big news this week was Keegan opening his mission call. We were able to download Teams and watch via the internet. Keegan and his friend Eric decided to announce their calls at the same time, so they had a gathering at Eric's home to read their calls. Keegan will be going to the Czech/Slovak Mission and enters the MTC on August 16. He will learn to speak Slovak which, I think, is somewhat akin to Russian and Czech. We are proud of him and know he will make a great missionary. Eric was called to Argentina. Training Mom mentioned our release date is coming on quickly. I have started training Elder Healy on the finances. He will have a big job for about five weeks while waiting for our replacements, the Parkers, to arrive. Elder Healy will get some help as a couple of other senior missionaries have been asked to come into the office three days at the start of each month to help out. That is the busy time for vehicles. Elder Healy plans on taking over finances p

Week #72

Sister Creer and the  Sommerfeldt's  Last week was a good week for senior missionaries arriving in the mission. Sister Creer will be in the office as mission secretary. She is learning from Sister Welbern who was so good to come in and take over when Sister Kearns had to have surgery. We would have been in a world of hurts without her.  Sister Welbern heads out on a trip next week. Sister Ramirez, who speaks no English, came to us from Mexico and is excited to be here. The Hall's arrived to take the place of the Bradford's in our Riverview branch. They fit right in and hit the ground running. All will be a great blessing to the mission. Our replacements, the Parker's, will be here the first week in June. Sister Welbern It's been an interesting week for the weather. We had tornado warnings one day this week and I guess the wind and rain and hail were bad up north and west of us. A couple of the missionary cars had hail damage. Then Friday there was a 3.5 earthquake i

Week #71

This might even be shorter than mom's letter. We are both tired after a short night and a long day. I keep thinking each daylight savings change that it might be my last one. I've been hoping for such for many years. Just watch. The politicians will get their act together just after I die and fix things. But until then, I'll keep hoping. We taught Sister Silva the first temple prep lesson before church this morning. Her husband, who received his endowment a few months ago, sat in with us. Sister Silva sat in on his lessons so most of this will be a review for her. Both have had a hard life but are progressing well in the Church. Minus the Sisters Saturday evening we were to have all six missionaries from the Branch over for dinner. In the afternoon, Elder Healy called and said we had a problem. The Sisters from our Branch had called and said their car was stolen. They were asked if it could have been towed. "Oh,no. We were parked in our assigned parking place." Th