
Showing posts from January, 2023

Week #12

Mom and the President We enjoyed a nice Saturday. After cleaning the apartment we met other seniors at the Truman Museum and Library. I was expecting to be herded in a group through the exhibits put we were on our own which meant that we could take our time where we wanted and move along at other times. And usually when we are in a group I can't hear. I really enjoyed the place. It was built so that you follow the exhibits through Truman's life chronologically. He started out as a farmer and ended up the in the most powerful position in the world. You have to admire him that he never forgot his roots and ended up back where he started in Independence just being a regular citizen. He served at a time when so much depended on the decisions he was to make. It was good to learn more about such an amazing man - and he was a Democrat to boot! It seems as if God always raises up a great leader when the United States most needs one and for that we should all be thankful. I highly recom

Week #11

Not many Republicans around here. All in all it was a pretty slow week. Friday I got only one email which is very unusual and I began to wonder if something was wrong with Outlook. Nope, just a slow day which was nice as it gave me time to prepare for an audit coming up soon. There were 48 checks written last year that there was no paper trail on. I was able to find at least some paperwork on all but three checks. All three were voided checks. The ones I did find showed that we had written the checks but had no paper trail attached to them. The audit will be interesting.I wonder if they'll fire me.😂 I mentioned before that things are all Truman here since it is his birthplace. We were out for a walk and this building has a mural of the famous picture of Truman holding up the newspaper with the headline "Dewey Defeats Truman". It is never over until the fat lady sings. (I'm probably not supposed to use that analogy anymore.😧) Next Monday the senior missionaries will

Week #10

View from Lee's Summit Road We just got back from a 36 minute walk (4500 steps) around the outside of the complex - according to my phone. Brigham Young would not have approved of the street development. There wasn't a straight street among them and everything was uphill and down. Plus we had to walk all the way around as there is no back entry to the complex. Mom said it would be hard to be a postman or delivery man trying to find an address. I took the picture from the main road that runs in front of The Mansion. You can see the mansion in the distance and our apartment is on the right. I can definitely tell I haven't been out walking for a while as my calfs let me know. We thought it would be a nice idea to walk around the pond. Nope. We weren't prepared for all the geese droppings on the sidewalk around the pond. We actually had to walk on the grass which I'm sure had droppings but at least we couldn't see them as well. Maybe mom doesn't like the geese s

Week #9

 It has stayed warmer this week with the highs in the 40's or low 50's. We are grateful for that. Last night it got down to 23 degrees so we left the faucets dripping and opened up the cupboard doors. It probably was not necessary but we will be super cautious after being bit by our last experience. So far I've only had to scrap car windows one time although it was close this morning. About done. Earlier this week the front door to the office fell off. Yes, just completely fell off. A couple of Elders caught it so it didn't get smashed or we would have had a big problem getting closed up for the night. I'm not sure I would have liked sleeping at the office. We called the FM group and after convincing them we had an emergency they called someone to contract the work out. The guy showed up and worked on the door for a few hours until time to close. Even though it was off its hinges we were able to set it in the frame to lock the door. Also, it got quite cool in the of

Week #8 Happy New Year 2023

It has been an interesting ten days weather wise. Thursday a week ago the high was 4 degrees and a low of 5 below and a wind chill factor around 20 below. This Thursday the high was in the 60's. The wind was blowing hard but it wasn't a cold wind. With these up and down temperatures we'll be lucky to escape getting colds. Today we were in the high 50's. We have been told that these large shifts in temperature are common which makes it nice as thc cold doesn't stay around for long. I guess Utah has been getting lots of moisture as Travis says he had a foot of snow in his driveway today and had a hard time getting his car in. The moisture has been prayed for so they shouldn't be complaining. Travis' 17 year old daughter Katelyn has been sick for over a week and wasn't getting any better. She had been to the emergency room twice. They did some scans and couldn't find anything so attributed it to the flu. She didn't get any better so yesterday they t