Week #12

Mom and the President We enjoyed a nice Saturday. After cleaning the apartment we met other seniors at the Truman Museum and Library. I was expecting to be herded in a group through the exhibits put we were on our own which meant that we could take our time where we wanted and move along at other times. And usually when we are in a group I can't hear. I really enjoyed the place. It was built so that you follow the exhibits through Truman's life chronologically. He started out as a farmer and ended up the in the most powerful position in the world. You have to admire him that he never forgot his roots and ended up back where he started in Independence just being a regular citizen. He served at a time when so much depended on the decisions he was to make. It was good to learn more about such an amazing man - and he was a Democrat to boot! It seems as if God always raises up a great leader when the United States most needs one and for that we should all be thankful. I highly recom...