Week #25

I was looking at the calendar last week and realized that our mission is one third done and it seems we just started. If this were a six month mission we would be done. I'm just starting to feel somewhat comfortable with my assignment. Pig out Our big event this weeks was a trip to Branson, MO to see the play "Ester". I wasn't expecting much and mostly wanted to get out Dodge for a while. We had to get the mission president's permission to go as it is out of our mission. It is a three and a half hour drive south of Independence. We left Friday afternoon and took Elder and Sister Moses with us while three sisters from the office, plus Sister Welbern, left an hour after us in another car. The office was closed an hour early. They stayed in a timeshare while we rented a motel room. The motel was right on The Strip, as they call it. It is a night and day difference from The Strip in Las Vegas. We got down there about 7:00 p.m. and got settled into our rooms and then ...